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Answer These Questions to Start Your Landscape Design

In a recent post, “Landscaping Your Yard – Where Do You Begin?”, one of the tips for getting ideas to improve your landscape was “Interview Yourself”. The idea is to take a closer look at how you want to enjoy your landscape before you start thinking about what exactly you’re going to do.

We thought we’d take it a step further in this post and actually look at some of the questions, those you may not think of off the top, that you can answer to find out more about how to improve your landscape design.

5 Questions to Ask Yourself to Begin Your Landscape Design

Really, there are too many questions to be listed here. Your budget, the size of your yard, your location, and more, can all have a bearing on your landscape design decisions.

The following questions may not come to mind right away, but they can be very helpful in deciding exactly how you want to improve your landscape.

  1. Is It Windy in My Yard? Some homeowners don’t use their yards as much as others. That could be for a variety of reasons. But some of those reasons may not be so apparent. Like if you get blown away every time you try to relax in your yard. You might not realize it’s the wind and just think you can’t get comfortable, or you’re not “outdoorsy”.

    If your yard is more open, you may want to consider a gazebo or pavilion, or a row of pine trees, that can work as a windbreak to protect you from wind and sun as you relax. 

  2. Do I Need More Privacy? Another reason you might not spend more time in your yard is that you’re surrounded by other homes. It’s tough to relax if you feel you may be watched.

  3. What About the Nighttime? Nowhere does it say you can’t enjoy your yard any time of day or night. Unless it’s too dark in the evenings because you don’t have any or enough landscape lighting.

  4. Is it for me? My family? Entertaining my guests? Or all of the above? Consider every potential way you want to enjoy your yard and make sure your landscaping services architecture and design team knows them.

  5. What do I want from my gardens? Do you have the greenest thumb in the neighbourhood, or do you prefer a “low maintenance” garden? Either way, your landscape plans should take it all into consideration.  

To learn more about residential landscaping, check out our article “The Benefits Of Landscaping For Your Home”.


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